Diseases | Indication |
Abortion Miscarriage | Used for abortion. |
Acidity Indigestion | Inflammatory, Gastric, Complaints, Hyperacidity and Flatulence, Dyspepsia. |
Acna (Pimples) | Acna Vulgaris, Pimples, Pimples occur at the age of puberty. |
Acute Infection | Acute and chronic cold cough Fever, Dirrhoea, Vomiting, Indiggestion, sor throat, Headace, Body Pain. |
Allergy Skin | Erysipelatous, skin, Formation of reddish blister's, Itching Unicaria. |
Amenorrhoea | menses, scanty or suppressed or absent menses, Irregular. |
Anaemia | Anaemia, lack of Appetite all kinds of anaemia. |
Appetite Drops | Disorderd digestion acidity & heartburn flatulence, colic, nausea. |
Appetite Loss | Digestive diseases. |
Asthma | Acute and chronic Bronchitis, Bronchial Asthma, restlessness, anxiety, dry cough. |
Diseases | Indication |
B.P. Drops (High/Low) | Used for low Blood Pressure & High Blood pressure. |
Backwardness Of Children | Used for Backwardness of children build brain. |
Bleeding | Excessive bleeding from lungs, Piles, nose throat, and uterus. |
Blood Pressure (Low) | Palpitation of heart with great anxiety, Irregular and intermittent pulse, Dull, uneasiness. |
Body Pain | Lumbago, General body ache. |
Bone Injuries Fracture | Helps in the repair and union of fractured bones. |
Bronchitis | Acute Bronchitis with spasms cough. |
Bronchitis | Acute bronchitis with spasms, strong rattling in the chest. |
Diseases | Indication |
Cholera | Abdominal, disorder, cholera Dyspepsia, nausea, vomitting, motion. |
Cold | Cold, Violent sneezing nostil red, coryza. |
Cold (Influenza) | Cold sneezing nostrils red, coryza, watery or thick. |
Colic | Acute intestinal Colic , Colic conditions in the stomach. |
Constipation | Bowels Constipated without apparent Cause, Liver tropid, Stools dry. |
Constipation | Bowels constipated without apparent cause, liver tropid stools dry, hard & black. |
Cough | Whooping dry, Irritating & Spasmodic Cough, Laryngitis bronchitis. |
Cough | Whooping cough, barking cough dryness in throat, suffocation. |
Diseases | Indication |
Denitiation | Used for easy teething, slow and difficult dentition. |
Depression | Mental or physical weakness lack of self Confidence, absent mindness restlessness. |
Diabetes | Diabetes frequent urination with excessive thirst, tired. |
Diabetes-Drops | Used for Diabetic problems. |
Dirrhoea | Profuse watery stools, great prostration. |
Displacement Of Uteruse Prolapsus | It most causes damage to the pelvic floor of supporting muscles. |
Dyseno Rrhoea | Painful menses, before during & after menses. |
Dysentry | Bacillary & amoebic dysenteries, entrocollities. |
Diseases | Indication |
Earache | For earache otorrhoea deafness. |
Eczema | Acute and chronic eczema, itching, thick scales, serous or purulent discharge. |
Enuresis | Bed weting at night during sleep or due to urinary Bladder. |
Diseases | Indication |
Fernal Tonic (Female) Drops | Loss of Appetite, Anamia execessive weakness. |
Fever | Viral Fevers with general body ache Headache, influenza. |
Fever | Fever vomiting, sore throat, Headache, Body pains. |
Fever Malaria | Used for malaria fever. |
Fever Typhoide | Used for typhoide fever. |
Fibroids | Used for fibroide. |
Diseases | Indication |
Gastitis | Gastic comoplaints, hyperacidity and flatulence. |
Gernal Tonic (Child) | Used to recommended as a tonic appetite promotes Growth. |
Gernal Tonic (Male) Drops | For loss of weight digestive disturbances. |
Diseases | Indication |
Hair Loss Dandruff | Falling of hair, dandruff Alopeceia. |
Headache | Headaches due to congestion, and arush of blood. |
Heart Drops | Angina pectoris, heart failure, weak & rapid pulse, endocardial murmurs, enlarged ventricle. |
Herpes | Herpes itching eruption, zing out and thick honey like fluid, burning. |
Hight | Used for increases of height. |
Histeria | Hysteria is nervous disease caused by some irritation. |
Diseases | Indication |
Impotency | Impotency for self abuse or sexual excesses loss of power erection. |
Impotency Drops | Used in case of sexual neurasthenia. |
Injuries | Used for A.T.S. Used in bruises, Cuts, injury to nerves for sprains irmscufer and joint. |
Irritabel Child | Used to irritabel child, children crying. |
Diseases | Indication |
Diseases | Indication |
Diseases | Indication |
Leucorrhoea | Profuse yellow leucorrhoca, Burning, it ching & Ulceration. |
Liver Disorder | Enlarged liver Cirrhosis of the liver chronic hepatitis, jaundice. |
Liver Gallblder Drops | Jaundice sluggish liver, liver enlargement and disorders of digestion, loss of appetite. |
Diseases | Indication |
Mastitis | Painful and tender breast swelling. |
Memory | Forgetfulness, absent mindness, restlessness, sleeplessness far of examination in students. |
Menopasual Problems | Used for Menopasual Problems. |
Menorrhagia | Profuse menses Bleeding. |
Menstrul Disorders Colic | Menstruation may be painful with either too scante or profuse discharge. |
Metrorrhagia | The quantity of discharge Varies Profuse flow, large Quantity of blood. |
Migraine | Migraine of various origin. |
Diseases | Indication |
Nervousness | Depression general debility Trembilling. |
Diseases | Indication |
Obesity | Used for excess weight. |
Obesity Drops | Used for obesity. |
Ovarian Cysts, Ovaritis | Used for ovarian cysts, ovaritis. |
Diseases | Indication |
Paralysis | Used for paralysis. |
Piles | Painful of bleeding. piles, fissures. |
Pruritos Valvas | Used for genital itching. |
Psoriasis | Psoriasis, Dry eczema, Boll Dry and UNHEALTHY Skin, eruptions, itching. |
Pyorrhoea | Pyorrhoea & Blood exude easily. |
Diseases | Indication |
Diseases | Indication |
Renal Drops | Renal calculi, sharp tearing pain in the kidney. |
Rheumatism (Gout) | Acute and chronic rheumatic, pains. |
Diseases | Indication |
Sciatica | Sciatica, sciatica as a result of prolapse of the vertebrl discs. |
Sinus | Acute and chronic Catarrh of the nose and maxillary sinus. |
Sleep | Used in cases of insomnia. |
Spondylitis | Spondylosis, Weakness of muscles of neck and along spine deformed bones, Rheumatic diathesis. |
Sterility Failure To Conceive | Used for sterility. |
Stomatitis | Ulcers or blisters in side of mouth. |
Stroke "Sun" | Used for sun stroke. |
Stye, Eye Soreconjectivitis | Simple redness of the eye, conjectivitis, intraocular infections granular lids stye. |
Syphilis | Chronic syphilis non healing ulcer's or glands. |
Diseases | Indication |
Throat Infection | Acute and chronic sore throat. |
Tonsilitis | Tonsilitis, Pharyngitis and sore throat aryng. |
Tooth-Chegumboil | It Stops Bad breath from gums, Gum boil. |
Tumour Or Cyst. | Used for fibroid tumour, cancerous growth. |
Diseases | Indication |
Urine Infection | Renal calculi, sharp pains in the kidneys., painful urination. |
Diseases | Indication |
Vaginitis | There is a thin watery unpleasant and greyish green discharge with an offensive odour. |
Vomiting | Used for nausea vomitting. |
Diseases | Indication |
Warts | Used for warts. |
Weakness Of Vision | Used to eye sight troubles, over strained eyes. |
Whooping Cough | Whooping cough, barking cough, Dryness in throat suffocation. |
Worms | Used for roundworms hook worms thread worms, pin worms, and tape worms. |
Diseases | Indication |
Diseases | Indication |
Diseases | Indication |